Area : 3287782 sq. km (3.28 million
Lattitudinal extent ; 8*4` N to 37* 6` N
Longitudinal extent : 68*7` E to 97* 25`E
The distance from north to south ; 3214 km
The distance from west to east ; 2933 km
Length of land frontier ; 15200 km
Length of coastline ;6083 km
Hemisphere in which India is located : Eastern hemisphere
Imported latitude that passes through India ; 23*30` N latitude (Tropic of Cancer)
Indian standard meridian ; 82*30` E
The southern most tip of India : Indira point
The southern most tip of Indian sub-continent : Cape Comerim (kanyakumari)
The ocean/ seas that encircle
the Indian peninsula; The Indian Ocean in the south,
The Bay of Bengal in the east,
and the Arabian
Sea in the west.
The place in India that is
nearest to the equator: Indira point (Andaman Nicobar Islands)
Ordinal position of India among
the nations in terms of size: Seventh place
Countries which are larger
Lattitudinal extent ; 8*4` N to 37* 6` N
Longitudinal extent : 68*7` E to 97* 25`E
The distance from north to south ; 3214 km
The distance from west to east ; 2933 km
Length of land frontier ; 15200 km
Length of coastline ;6083 km
Hemisphere in which India is located : Eastern hemisphere
Imported latitude that passes through India ; 23*30` N latitude (Tropic of Cancer)
Indian standard meridian ; 82*30` E
The southern most tip of India : Indira point
The southern most tip of Indian sub-continent : Cape Comerim (kanyakumari)
The ocean/ seas that encircle
the Indian peninsula; The Indian Ocean in the south,
The Bay of Bengal in the east,
and the Arabian
Sea in the west.
The place in India that is
nearest to the equator: Indira point (Andaman Nicobar Islands)
Ordinal position of India among
the nations in terms of size: Seventh place
Countries which are larger
in size than India: 1. RUSSIA (17075400sq km)
2.CANADA (9970610sq km)
3. U.S.A (9809155 sqkm)
4. CHINA ( 9572900 sqkm)
5. BRAZIL ( 8547404 sqkm )
6. AUSTRALIA ( 7682300 sqkm)
Islands that are included
2.CANADA (9970610sq km)
3. U.S.A (9809155 sqkm)
4. CHINA ( 9572900 sqkm)
5. BRAZIL ( 8547404 sqkm )
6. AUSTRALIA ( 7682300 sqkm)
Islands that are included
in the Indian Ocean ; Andaman Nicobar Islands and lakshadeep
The state of India through
The state of India through
which the Tropic of Cancer passes; Gujurat, Rajastan, Madhyapredesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram
The countries along
The countries along
the land frontier of India: Pakistan, Afganistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bengladesh, Myanmar.
The neighbouring countries
that lie in the Indian ocean : Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Maldives.
The strait that connects India and Sri Lanka ; Palk Strait.
The neighbouring countries
that lie in the Indian ocean : Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Maldives.
The strait that connects India and Sri Lanka ; Palk Strait.